Bibiana Group Sp.zo.o. provides its customers with the highest quality products to make their life better, more comfortable and safer.We are responsible not only for their current needs but we also anticipate what they will need in the future and try to secure it for them today.

When planning global expansion, we remember about innovative ways of meeting our Customers’ needs. Therefore Bibiana Group products are based on the state of the art technologies and have the highest quality, regardless of in what country they are available.

We are always thrive to innovation and creating value through the unique impact of our brands and our operational excellence.

Continuous investment in new technologies, in combination with a sophisticated quality control system in each production process, ensures the production of our brands with highest quality.

All our products are developed with one common goal, to provide the best experience in the occasion used. And this is recognized by business partners and consumers in all markets we operate.

Thus, Bibiana Group brands are nowadays synonymous to QUALITY and NATURALITY among our consumers worldwide.



Our team’s dedication and commitment is our driving force.

Thanks to them, we achieve our goals and realise our vision.

Our specialised team works daily to create innovative and effective products that meet the needs of all those who recognise the guaranteed quality of our company's products.

The collaboration between people with different backgrounds and experiences contributes to the company's spirit of innovation and the creation of a fresh and dynamic work environment.